A few random snippets about Steve's life in Bhutan:

After the sometimes gruelling years in Laos, Steve is currently enjoying the role of house-husband while Chris slaves away over a hot computer.

Up to now, house-husbanding has actually been quite a demanding role as the settling process has proved more challenging than expected.

Steve in garden at Taba with Fatso & Blackhead

Steve at Taba House

Little things like an erratic water supply and equally erratic electricity have been sorted out despite plumbers and electricians whose stock response is "there is no problem sir/madam" when they can't identify the fault.

Simtokha Dzong

Simtokha Dzong

However, Steve's substitute for a brain has not been entirely stagnant. He has been doing voluntary work teaching basic computer skills to monks at Simtokha Dzong, Bhutan's oldest surviving monastery.

The monks are initially learning the use of Windows and MS-Word with the long term objective of transcribing ancient Buddhist scrolls into computer files using the new Dzonkha font (eventually to be released as a TrueType font).

Computer students at Simtokha

Computer students at Simtokha

The classes are quite difficult as there are only 2 computers per student and some are very old. The educational background of the students varies considerably, so it has proved necessary to introduce a significant self-paced element into the classes which is a radical departure from traditional Bhutanese didactic teaching methods.

Royal Thimphu Golf Club

Royal Thimphu Golf Club

Unfortunately, the good life cannot continue indefinitely and various organisations are attempting to interfere with Steve's golf games.

He has recently completed some rather unusual work for the UNDP (involving GPS surveys) and is currently negotiating with the World Bank for a significant role in the areas of training and capacity building on a new government rural decentralisation project.